I'm not gonna lie - today was a little rough. We did a few familiar songs but tried to change them up a little bit. Practice went a little long but we were able to cover everything.
Prince of Peace (You Are Holy)
Here is Our King - David Crowder Band
How He Loves - Jenny solo on acoustic/vocals (SLAM only)
How Great is Our God
Mighty to Save - Hillsong
Band lineup:
Drums - Eric I.
Bass - Jonathan N.
Keys - Trevor H.
Electric Guitar - Sam E.
Acoustic/Vocals - Jake S. and Jenny P.
I really liked the beginning of this set! "Prince of Peace" and "Here is Our King" were both in the same key and tempo so we just flowed right from one to the other. Trevor H. had a really cool electronic keyboard that announced this transition. We also changed up "Prince of Peace" by dropping back to just drums and bass for one chorus (Eric and Jonathan sounded awesome during this part!) and then building it up. In "Here is Our King" we did the first bridge down instead of really big, built up to another chorus and big bridge and then ended with an almost completely a capella. These songs flowed really well together both musically and with ideas communicated. This set was my favorite part of both services. It was a lot of fun to change things up a bit!
During SLAM - our high school service - Jenny did a solo acoustic version of "How He Loves" as people came down front and placed their offerings in a basket set on the front of the stage. This part of the service was meant to be more a performance section but I was surprised by how many people jumped right in and sang along. Jenny did a great job as usual. We don't have "special music" very often so it was cool to mix things up a little bit and give people permission to just sit and take in the lyrical content of this song. We'll have to do this sort of thing again sometime soon!
Also, in SLAM we played "How Great is Our God" before the talk. We haven't done this song in a while and it was fun to bring it back out again.
In both services, the talk went long so the post-talk set was the hardest as we were re-arranging the song on the fly. At the Wire we planed to end with 2 songs but we had "How Great is Our God." We ended both services with "Mighty to Save." Sam E. did an awesome job on the guitar parts for this song. He nailed the the intro solo and made up some really tasty parts for the instrumental sections. Everyone did a good job following but we still need to work on playing spontaneously.
Overall, it was a good day - people participated well in both services. There is room for improvement but I'm excited that our musicians are playing at this level!
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